31 JULAI 2009 (JUMAAT)
8-10 MALAM
p/s: sila klik di sini untuk memuat turun ceramah Ustaz Zikmal Fuad yang bertajuk "Golongan 'Ibadur rahman" dalam kuliah subuh di Surau An-Nur,Bandar Baru Bangi pada 4 April 2009.
Free Counter Ahlan Wasahlan..to all readers & survers who get through this blog..surely,i'm pleased to welcome all of you to know what IQRA' CLUB is all about..this blog is too new for being public..Hopefully,any comments & suggestions can be given to this blog via the shout box;right side of this blog homepage..TQ
Wasiat 'Allamah Al-Mufassir Syeikh Muhammad Mutawalli Sya’rawi Rahimahullah
Ulama’ mesti sentiasa berkata benar tak kira pada siapa, dan memahami kepentingan dakwahnya. Mana lebih patut didahulukan dari yang lain. Ada yang mengatakan kepada saya ulamak mestilah non-partisan dan bersikap bebas. Saya katakan, jika ulama’ tidak berpihak kepada kebenaran dan tidak menzahirkannya, bagaimana masyarakat umum boleh mencontohi dan mendukung kebenaran? Maka ulama mesti partisan. Ulamak mesti menunjukkan sokongan. Mesti menzahirkan “pihak”nya. Iaitu pihak kebenaran. Pihak yang memperjuangkan Islam, dan membenteras keboborokan kezaliman pemerintah.
Cuba lihat video di bawah sehingga tamat. Lihat bagaimana di hujung klip, beliau menasihati Presiden Muhammad Husni Mubarak yang terkenal diktatornya, tanpa sedikit pun rasa gentar, malah memegang bahunya, seperti seorang ayah menasihati anak. Beginilah ulama’ pejuang, sufi lagi haraki, yang sentiasa kita cari sepanjang zaman.
Saya sediakan terjemahannya untuk pembaca blog semua mengetahui maksud kata-kata syeikh:
Dan sesungguhnya aku (Sheikh Mutawalli Sya’rawi).. wahai Tuan Presiden, aku berdiri di sudut ini untuk menerima pahala dari Allah. Aku tidak menghabiskan sisa-sisa hidup aku menjadi munafiq. Aku tidak akan mempamerkan diri aku ini dengan perkara-perkara yang menipu. Tetapi aku ingin memberitahu satu perkara kepada umat semuanya. Sama ada daripada pihak kerajaan atau parti pembangkang ataupun penyokong dan bangsa. Aku meminta maaf jika aku ucapkan sesuatu yang kamu semua tidak suka. Aku ingin semuanya tahu bahawa kekuasaan itu di tangan Allah. Allah memberi kekuasaan kepada sesiapa yang Dia suka. Maka janganlah ada komplot untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan itu. Dan janganlah ada tipu helah (penipuan) untuk sampai kepadanya (kekuasaan). Allah Taala telah menceritakan dialog antara Namrud dan Nabi Ibrahim. Apa yang Allah Taala kata? “..Tidakkah engkau (pelik) memikirkan (wahai Muhammad) tentang orang berhujah membantah Nabi Ibrahim (dengan sombongnya) mengenai Tuhannya (sedangkan dia dalam kekafiran), kerana Allah memberikan orang itu kuasa pemerintahan (Namrud)…” – (Surah al-Baqarah:258, al Quranul Karim)
Maka kekuasaan itu Allah diberi kepada sesiapa yang dia mahu. Maka jangan kamu melakukan tipu helah terhadap Allah. Dan jangan kamu membuat komplot (penipuan) terhadap Allah. Kerana seseorang tidak akan mendapat kekuasaan di dalam kerajaan Allah kecuali dengan kehendak Allah. Kalau dia seorang yang adil, maka manusia akan mendapat manfaat dengan keadilannya. Dan sekiranya dia seorang yang zalim, maka dia menjadi hodoh dengan kezalimannya dan Allah akan menjadikannya buruk di dada-dada manusia. Maka disebabkan Allah menjadikan dia buruk di dada manusia, rakyat akan membenci setiap orang yang zalim walaupun dia tidak terlintas membenci pemerintah itu. Aku berkata kepada kamu sekalian, Alhamdulillah, telah jelas kebenaran pada kata-kata Tuhan berdasarkan dengan peristiwa-peristiwa yang telah terjadi. Bagaimana kita hendak mentafsirkan kata-kata Allah :“..Wayamkuruuna wayamkurullah..” (dan mereka merancang perkara yang jahat dan Allah juga turut merancang). Dan bagaimana kita hendak mentafsirkan kata-kata Allah :“..Innahum yakiidunakaidan wanakiiuunakaida..” (Sesungguhnya mereka membuat tipu daya dan Allah membuat tipu daya juga). Siapa yang terlintas di dalam kepalanya untuk menjadi pemerintah, aku nasihatkan supaya dia jangan meminta-minta. Akan tetapi menjadi kewajipannya menjadi pemerintah ketika mana dia dilantik. Sabda Rasulullah salallahualaihi wasalam;
“..Siapa yang dilantik untuk sesuatu perkara, maka dia akan ditolong oleh Allah. Dan sesiapa yang meminta-minta sesuatu perkara, maka perkara itu akan menjadi beban kepadanya..”.
Wahai Tuan Presiden, aku ingin katakan satu perkara kepada engkau, mungkin ini adalah pertemuan terakhir kita!(Sheikh Mutawalli Sya’rawi memegang bahu presiden Mesir dan berkata;) “..Jika nasib kami bergantung kepada engkau, moga-moga Allah memberi taufiq (menunjukkan kepada kamu jalan yang benar). Dan jika nasib kamu bergantung kepada kami, moga-moga Allah menolong kamu untuk menanggung beban (untuk menghadapi kami)..”.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Alhamdulillah,syukur kepada Allah kerana mengizinkan diri ini untuk menukilkan sesuatu dalam ruangan laman blog pada kali ini..sempena bulan sya'aban yang dah tiba ini, eloklah kiranya jika memperkatakan apa-apa yang perlu untuk sama-sama kita menginsafi diri dan menghayati sejauh mana amalan kita di bulan sya'aban sebagai persediaan menghadapi bulan ramadhan yang bakal tiba..
Bulan Rajab telah berlalu dan, alhamdulillah, kini kita sedang berada di bulan Sya’ban dan moga-moga Allah sampaikan kita ke bulan Ramadhan. Amin...
Kalau di bulan Rajab, merupakan bulan yang berlaku padanya peristiwa Isra’ wal Mi’raj dimana Rasulullah menerima perintah mengerjakan sholat langsung dari Allah Azzawajalla, maka di bulan Sya’ban pula terdapat beberapa peristiwa, diantaranya adalah:
1)terjadinya peristiwa terbelahnya bulan yang sebagaimana tersebut dalam al-Quran di surah al-Qomar ayat 1
2)turunnya perintah penukaran qiblat dari Masjidil aqso ke Masjidil haram sebagaimana yang dijelaskan di dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 144
3)turunnya perintah supaya berselawat ke atas junjungan mulia Rasulullah , sebagaimana yang tersebut di surah al-Ahzaab ayat 56...
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikat-malaikatNya berselawat keatas Nabi. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, berselawatlah kamu keatas Nabi dan ucapkanlah salam penghormatan kepadanya (surah al-Ahzaab: 56)
Maka kerana itulah bulan Sya’ban ini dikenali sebagai Syahrussholati, kerana dibulan inilah turunnya ayat al-Quran yang dinyatakan seperti di atas tadi.Maka perbanyakkanlah selawat kepada junjungan kita Rasulullah..
Diantara kelebihan berselawat ini, menurut ulama..selawat ini mudah dikerjakan manakala pahalanya besar...Andaikata kita tidak mampu untuk memperbanyakkan ibadah-ibadah lain seperti sholat sunat terutamanya tahajjud dan puasa,maka berselawatlah sebanyak-banyaknya...
Wallahu a'lam..
Alhamdulillah,syukur kepada Allah kerana mengizinkan diri ini untuk menukilkan sesuatu dalam ruangan laman blog pada kali ini..sempena bulan sya'aban yang dah tiba ini, eloklah kiranya jika memperkatakan apa-apa yang perlu untuk sama-sama kita menginsafi diri dan menghayati sejauh mana amalan kita di bulan sya'aban sebagai persediaan menghadapi bulan ramadhan yang bakal tiba..
Bulan Rajab telah berlalu dan, alhamdulillah, kini kita sedang berada di bulan Sya’ban dan moga-moga Allah sampaikan kita ke bulan Ramadhan. Amin...
Kalau di bulan Rajab, merupakan bulan yang berlaku padanya peristiwa Isra’ wal Mi’raj dimana Rasulullah menerima perintah mengerjakan sholat langsung dari Allah Azzawajalla, maka di bulan Sya’ban pula terdapat beberapa peristiwa, diantaranya adalah:
1)terjadinya peristiwa terbelahnya bulan yang sebagaimana tersebut dalam al-Quran di surah al-Qomar ayat 1
2)turunnya perintah penukaran qiblat dari Masjidil aqso ke Masjidil haram sebagaimana yang dijelaskan di dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 144
3)turunnya perintah supaya berselawat ke atas junjungan mulia Rasulullah , sebagaimana yang tersebut di surah al-Ahzaab ayat 56...
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikat-malaikatNya berselawat keatas Nabi. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, berselawatlah kamu keatas Nabi dan ucapkanlah salam penghormatan kepadanya (surah al-Ahzaab: 56)
Maka kerana itulah bulan Sya’ban ini dikenali sebagai Syahrussholati, kerana dibulan inilah turunnya ayat al-Quran yang dinyatakan seperti di atas tadi.Maka perbanyakkanlah selawat kepada junjungan kita Rasulullah..
Diantara kelebihan berselawat ini, menurut ulama..selawat ini mudah dikerjakan manakala pahalanya besar...Andaikata kita tidak mampu untuk memperbanyakkan ibadah-ibadah lain seperti sholat sunat terutamanya tahajjud dan puasa,maka berselawatlah sebanyak-banyaknya...
Wallahu a'lam..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sahabat Rasulullah S.A.W: Generasi Terbaik
Kelahiran dan kebangkitan para sahabat Rasulullah SAW merupakan satu kurniaan luar biasa daripada Allah SWT. Sumbangan tidak ternilai mereka berupa penjelasan-penjelasan terhadap kebanyakan peristiwa yang dialami bersama baginda serta ijtihad yang mereka lakukan, terutama setelah kewafatan Nabi dalam mengisi tata ruang kehidupan, menjadi sebuah model ikutan yang terus memberi inspirasi kepada seluruh umat Islam.
Masih terlalu banyak sirah para sahabat Nabi SAW yang belum dijejaki dan masih banyak hikmah yang masih belum diketahui. Sekiranya ia ditemui, pastinya rasa kecintaan umat kepada baginda SAW akan lebih mendalam dan amat berguna sebagai penunjuk umat manusia meniti kehidupan seterusnya mengembalikan kegemilangan Islam seperti yang pernah direntasi oleh Rasulullah dan para sahabat r.a.
Kelahiran mereka merupakan bukti kejayaan penerapan nilai-nilai wahyu dalam kehidupan duniawi.
Kedudukan para sahabat sangat istimewa dan kehidupan mereka diredai olah Allah SWT dan rasul-Nya. Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Dan orang-orang yang terdahulu - yang mula-mula (berhijrah dan memberi bantuan) dari orang-orang Muhajirin dan Ansar, dan orang-orang yang menurut (jejak langkah) mereka dengan kebaikan (iman dan taat), Allah reda akan mereka dan mereka pula reda akan Dia, serta ia menyediakan untuk mereka syurga-syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya; itulah kemenangan yang besar. (al-Taubah: 100)
Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dilahirkan bagi (faedah) umat manusia, kerana kamu menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik dan melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk dan keji), serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah (dengan sebenar-benar iman). Dan kalaulah Ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani) itu beriman (sebagaimana yang sepatutnya), tentulah iman itu menjadi baik bagi mereka. Tetapi di antara mereka ada yang beriman dan kebanyakan mereka: orang-orang yang fasik. (ali-'Imran: 110)
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: Sebaik-baik kurun adalah generasiku, kemudian generasi berikutnya, kemudian generasi berikutnya. (riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).
Ibn Umar r.a. mengatakan, "Sesiapa yang mencari teladan, hendaklah meneladani generasi yang terdahulu, iaitu para sahabat Rasulullah SAW. Merekalah generasi terbaik umat ini, hati mereka lebih bersih, ilmu mereka lebih dalam, dan mereka sangat jauh dari sikap berlebihan.
"Merekalah generasi yang dipilih Allah untuk menyertai Rasulullah SAW dan menyampaikan agama-Nya. Maka teladanilah akhlak dan jejak hidup mereka, kerana mereka adalah para sahabat Rasulullah SAW. dan telah mendapat petunjuk yang lurus." (Hilyat al-Auliya' 1: 305)
Wallahu a'lam..
Masih terlalu banyak sirah para sahabat Nabi SAW yang belum dijejaki dan masih banyak hikmah yang masih belum diketahui. Sekiranya ia ditemui, pastinya rasa kecintaan umat kepada baginda SAW akan lebih mendalam dan amat berguna sebagai penunjuk umat manusia meniti kehidupan seterusnya mengembalikan kegemilangan Islam seperti yang pernah direntasi oleh Rasulullah dan para sahabat r.a.
Kelahiran mereka merupakan bukti kejayaan penerapan nilai-nilai wahyu dalam kehidupan duniawi.
Kedudukan para sahabat sangat istimewa dan kehidupan mereka diredai olah Allah SWT dan rasul-Nya. Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Dan orang-orang yang terdahulu - yang mula-mula (berhijrah dan memberi bantuan) dari orang-orang Muhajirin dan Ansar, dan orang-orang yang menurut (jejak langkah) mereka dengan kebaikan (iman dan taat), Allah reda akan mereka dan mereka pula reda akan Dia, serta ia menyediakan untuk mereka syurga-syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya; itulah kemenangan yang besar. (al-Taubah: 100)
Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dilahirkan bagi (faedah) umat manusia, kerana kamu menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik dan melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk dan keji), serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah (dengan sebenar-benar iman). Dan kalaulah Ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani) itu beriman (sebagaimana yang sepatutnya), tentulah iman itu menjadi baik bagi mereka. Tetapi di antara mereka ada yang beriman dan kebanyakan mereka: orang-orang yang fasik. (ali-'Imran: 110)
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: Sebaik-baik kurun adalah generasiku, kemudian generasi berikutnya, kemudian generasi berikutnya. (riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).
Ibn Umar r.a. mengatakan, "Sesiapa yang mencari teladan, hendaklah meneladani generasi yang terdahulu, iaitu para sahabat Rasulullah SAW. Merekalah generasi terbaik umat ini, hati mereka lebih bersih, ilmu mereka lebih dalam, dan mereka sangat jauh dari sikap berlebihan.
"Merekalah generasi yang dipilih Allah untuk menyertai Rasulullah SAW dan menyampaikan agama-Nya. Maka teladanilah akhlak dan jejak hidup mereka, kerana mereka adalah para sahabat Rasulullah SAW. dan telah mendapat petunjuk yang lurus." (Hilyat al-Auliya' 1: 305)
Wallahu a'lam..
Contemporary Muslim Scholar
Name : Ali Gomaa Muhammad Abd Al-Wahhab
Cairo-Darrasat-Hadiqat al-Azhar-P.O Box 11675
Phone : +20 2 5887013, Fax : +20 2 5899652
Email : fatawa@dar-alifta.org
Place of birth Bani Suwayl,Egypt
Date of birth Monday, (3 March 1952 C.E)
Marital status Married,three daughters who are married and have children
-Doctorate in Islamic Jurisprudence from the College of Islamic and Canon Law, University of Azhar with top honors,1988
-Masters in Islamic Jurisprudence from the College of Islamic And Canon Law,University of Azhar,with distinguished marks,1985.
-Bachelors from the College of Islamic and Arabic Studies,University of Azhar,1979.
-High school diploma in trade,from ‘Ayn Shams University,1973.
-Mufti for the Arab Republic of Egypt, 2003 to present
-Member oh the Council for Islamic Research,a subsidiary of University of Azhar 2001 to present.
-Professor of Jurisprudence,Men’s College of Islamic and Arabic Studies,Cairo part of the University of Azhar.
-Member of the Fiqh Council,a subsidiary of the World Islamic Conference,Jeddah, 2005 to present.
-General Advisor for the University of Azhar,2000 to present.
-Member of the Islamic Fiqh Center,India,1992 to present.
-Member of The University of Azhar’s Fatwa Council, 1995-1997
Obtained the highest chains of transmission to the various Islamic disciplines and authorizations from the top Islamic scholars in law, narration, jurisprudence and Arabic.
The most important activities include:-
-Participated as an expert advisor for the Council of Arabic Language in Preparing their Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence Terms. He still serves as an expert advisor.
-Participated in curriculum development at the College of Islamic Law in the Sultane of Oman until the college opened, and then participated in its opening as a founding member.
-Participated in establishing the program at the School of Islamic and Social Sciences (siss) in Washington, DC.
-Delivered al-Dirs al-Hasni in the presence of his Majesty the King of Morocco in 1994, and each year is invited back.
-Appointed as a participating advisor at Harvard University, Egypt, in the Department of Eastern Studies.
-Appointed as a participating advisor for the Middle East at Oxford University for Islamic and Arabic Studies.
-Represented the International Islamic University in Malaysia and participated in their cultural lecture seriest and participated on their promotion board to assess their assistant professors and instructors.
-Selected to deliver the Friday sermon and teach Shafi’i fiqh at Sultan Hasan Mosque, 1998 to present.
-Teaches at Azhar Mosque’s lesson series each day from after Morning Prayer until close to Noon, reading traditional texts in Islamic and Arabic disciplines.
-Participated in examining academic achievement tests for promotions to the rank of professor and visiting assistant professor for numerous universities around the world.
al-Qiyyas ‘ind al-Usuliyyin. al-Risalah, 2006.
al-Bayan li-ma Yushghil al-Adhhan: 100 Fatwa. Dar al-Muqattam, 2005.
al-Jihad fi al-Islam. Nahdat Misr, 2005.
al-Kalim al-Tayyib: Fatawa ‘Asriyyah. Dar al-Salam, 2005.
al-Naskh ‘ind al-Usuliyyin. Nahdat Misr, 2005.
al-Turuq ila al-Turath al-Islami. Nahdat Misr, 2004. Second edition, 2005.
Aliyat al-Ijhtihad. al-Risalah, 2004.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Islam in the Modern World
The Prophet of Islam made a number of notable predictions which have been recorded in the books of hadith. One of these being that, in the final phase of human life on earth, the word of Islam will reach all human beings inhabiting this world. In other words, future times will see the intellectual ascendancy of Islam.
However, if the word of God is to be brought into every home, conditions must exist which will favor the success of such a mission. Without such conditions no such goal can be reached. Fortunately, recent studies show that as a result of revolutions occurring over the last several years, conditions now prevail which are more conducive than ever to the communication of the Islamic message. That process having been set in motion, individuals from different communities have begun embracing Islam in countries all over the world. Now, the need of the hour is for servants of God to arise and, by fully availing of new opportunities, play a decisive role in the last and most significant chapter of Islamic da‘wah.
Da‘wah is the real strength of Islam. It is through da‘wah that Islam makes continuous progress. That is why, in every age, believers have seen fit to engage themselves in this task. Today, there are greater opportunities than hitherto to make Islamic da‘wah a success. The communication of the message of God has certainly been going on in every age. But now modern circumstances have made it possible for this task to be performed with a greater degree of efficacy than ever before, and on a truly universal scale.
Today, opportunities to carry out da‘wah work are legion. But I shall cite only a few examples to illustrate my point.
Proof of the Existence of God
Rationalists have habitually attempted to deny the existence of God by asking, "If God created the universe, who created God?" Now, as we are nearing the end of the 20th century, it has become possible to answer this question on a purely rational level. This new possibility arises out of the big bang theory, which has now gained general acceptance among cosmologists. With the big bang theory, we have necessarily to accept a first cause underlying the creation of the universe. That is, if there were no cause, the universe would not have existed. It has made it possible for us to tell the rationalists that all along they have been giving their attention to a wrong set of options. In their view, a choice had to be made between a universe with God and a universe without God, whereas the real choice was between a universe with God and no universe at all. Since we cannot opt for a non-existent universe, we are compelled to choose the universe with God.
Validity of Inferential Argument
To prove Islamic belief in the unseen world, our religious scholars have so far used inferential argument. That is, they suppose an unknown reality on the basis of a known reality. The rationalists’ view of this argument was that its method was academically invalid, as it was based on the principle of indirect argument. They demanded to be given an argument of a direct nature. Only then would they accept it.
In this matter—as in material matters—the river of science has been flowing in favor of Islam. The above objection had apparently carried weight in the days when the study of science was macro-cosmic in scope. But as soon as scientific research began to delve into the micro-cosmic world, the balance tipped in favor of inferential argument. For it was revealed that the deeper realities of nature itself were those which did not come under the sphere of direct argument. For instance, the establishment of the existence of oxygen or X-rays is arrived at by indirect or inferential argument. Modern philosophers, such as Bertrand Russell, have demonstrated that inferential argument is as valid as indirect argument.
That is why, in science itself, inferential argument is held to be valid. Without it, scientific study could not be continued in the microcosmic world. In this way, a new chapter on unseen realities has been opened for the da‘is.
I was once asked by a non-believer by what set of criteria I establish the existence of God. I replied that it was the self-same criteria on which he himself relied. He remained silent at this. For he knew full well that his own scientific concepts were proved by means of inferential argument. So when inferential argument is valid in non-religious fields, it will certainly be valid in the field of religion.Historical Credibility of the Qur’an
In the present time, all manner of things, including religious scriptures, are being subjected to investigation in the spirit of free inquiry. A permanent discipline has been set up for this special study, called historical criticism, or higher criticism. Under this general heading, all great religious scriptures, including the Qur’an and the Bible, have been subjected to historical inquiry.
The results of these studies are entirely in favor of the Qur’an. They show that the Qur’an is the only religious scripture which is a historically accredited work. The rest of the books, having been shown to be dogmatic rather than historical, have lost their formal status as purveyors of eternal truth. Such research has provided a new and powerful argument in favor of Quranic veracity. That is to say, it is only the Qur’an which enjoys historical credibility. No other religious scripture is of similar merit.
This scientific discovery has brought Islam to the position of undisputed victory, for no other religion is capable of facing this academic test.
Scientific Verification
In ancient times, superstitious notions about every object of nature were given great credence, as is evident from the literature of those days. Now in modern times, when nature has been scientifically studied, many ancient concepts have been discredited. Books written in the pre-scientific age are now suspect—as belonging to the age of superstition. Even religious scriptures have not emerged unscathed, for the periodic interpolation of superstitious notions has reduced them to the level of non-sacred literature.
The Qur’an, on the contrary, being a preserved book, is exceptionally free from such apocryphal additions. There are numerous references to nature in the Qur’an, but none of these descriptions clashes with facts discovered by science. After making a study of several such statements enshrined in the Qur’an, Dr Maurice Bucaille concludes:
"In view of the level of knowledge in Muhammad’s day,
it is inconceivable that many of the statements in
the Qur’an which are connected with science could
have been the work of a man. It is, moreover, perfectly
legitimate, not only to regard the Qur’an as the
expression of a Revelation, but also to award it a
very special place, on account of the guarantee of
authenticity it provides and the presence in it of
scientific statements which, when studied today,
appear as a challenge to explanation in human terms."
Passing Modern Tests
New methods to determine the antiquity of ancient objects have been evolved in modern times. One of these, called carbon-14 dating or radio-carbon dating, was developed just after the second world war. It gave the stamp of credibility to many facts which had hitherto remained unauthenticated. It was applied in one famous instance to a mummified body, believed to be that of Merneptah, a contemporary of Moses. The mummy, discovered by Professor Loret in one of Egypt’s pyramids, did amazingly prove to date back to the time of Moses, when subjected to this new technique of dating.
This same method of carbon dating was applied to the Shroud of Turin, an old linen cloth bearing the imprint of a human face—always thought to be the covering in which Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion. According to this belief, the cloth had to be two thousand years old. But carbon dating revealed that it dated back no further than the middle of the fourteenth century.
There are so many examples of this nature, that it is not possible to deal with all of them. Suffice it to say that they are symbolic of how modern sciences, on the one hand, discredit ancient religions while, on the other hand, they strengthen the credibility of Islam.
The Last Word
In modern times, great new opportunities have arisen for Islamic da‘wah. This has made it possible for the first time to fulfill the prediction of the word of God being brought into each and every home. They point the way to Islam gaining the position of an ideological super power on a universal scale. But there is one necessary condition which is indispensable to the achievement of this goal. We shall have to adopt the same strategy in modern times as that adopted by the Prophet of Islam in the 19th year of his prophethood.
This historical strategy has come to be called the Hudaybiyya principle. This entails putting an end to the kind of controversies which create tensions between the da‘i and the mad‘u. Without a normal atmosphere, free of friction, no da‘wah action can be set in motion. Today the same controversial situation has come to exist between da‘i and mad‘u as was found between the Prophet and his hearers after the emigration. We must, therefore, follow the same Hudaybiyya principle as the Prophet did. This is the demand of the times, and in this lies the secret of all Muslim success.
However, if the word of God is to be brought into every home, conditions must exist which will favor the success of such a mission. Without such conditions no such goal can be reached. Fortunately, recent studies show that as a result of revolutions occurring over the last several years, conditions now prevail which are more conducive than ever to the communication of the Islamic message. That process having been set in motion, individuals from different communities have begun embracing Islam in countries all over the world. Now, the need of the hour is for servants of God to arise and, by fully availing of new opportunities, play a decisive role in the last and most significant chapter of Islamic da‘wah.
Da‘wah is the real strength of Islam. It is through da‘wah that Islam makes continuous progress. That is why, in every age, believers have seen fit to engage themselves in this task. Today, there are greater opportunities than hitherto to make Islamic da‘wah a success. The communication of the message of God has certainly been going on in every age. But now modern circumstances have made it possible for this task to be performed with a greater degree of efficacy than ever before, and on a truly universal scale.
Today, opportunities to carry out da‘wah work are legion. But I shall cite only a few examples to illustrate my point.
Proof of the Existence of God
Rationalists have habitually attempted to deny the existence of God by asking, "If God created the universe, who created God?" Now, as we are nearing the end of the 20th century, it has become possible to answer this question on a purely rational level. This new possibility arises out of the big bang theory, which has now gained general acceptance among cosmologists. With the big bang theory, we have necessarily to accept a first cause underlying the creation of the universe. That is, if there were no cause, the universe would not have existed. It has made it possible for us to tell the rationalists that all along they have been giving their attention to a wrong set of options. In their view, a choice had to be made between a universe with God and a universe without God, whereas the real choice was between a universe with God and no universe at all. Since we cannot opt for a non-existent universe, we are compelled to choose the universe with God.
Validity of Inferential Argument
To prove Islamic belief in the unseen world, our religious scholars have so far used inferential argument. That is, they suppose an unknown reality on the basis of a known reality. The rationalists’ view of this argument was that its method was academically invalid, as it was based on the principle of indirect argument. They demanded to be given an argument of a direct nature. Only then would they accept it.
In this matter—as in material matters—the river of science has been flowing in favor of Islam. The above objection had apparently carried weight in the days when the study of science was macro-cosmic in scope. But as soon as scientific research began to delve into the micro-cosmic world, the balance tipped in favor of inferential argument. For it was revealed that the deeper realities of nature itself were those which did not come under the sphere of direct argument. For instance, the establishment of the existence of oxygen or X-rays is arrived at by indirect or inferential argument. Modern philosophers, such as Bertrand Russell, have demonstrated that inferential argument is as valid as indirect argument.
That is why, in science itself, inferential argument is held to be valid. Without it, scientific study could not be continued in the microcosmic world. In this way, a new chapter on unseen realities has been opened for the da‘is.
I was once asked by a non-believer by what set of criteria I establish the existence of God. I replied that it was the self-same criteria on which he himself relied. He remained silent at this. For he knew full well that his own scientific concepts were proved by means of inferential argument. So when inferential argument is valid in non-religious fields, it will certainly be valid in the field of religion.Historical Credibility of the Qur’an
In the present time, all manner of things, including religious scriptures, are being subjected to investigation in the spirit of free inquiry. A permanent discipline has been set up for this special study, called historical criticism, or higher criticism. Under this general heading, all great religious scriptures, including the Qur’an and the Bible, have been subjected to historical inquiry.
The results of these studies are entirely in favor of the Qur’an. They show that the Qur’an is the only religious scripture which is a historically accredited work. The rest of the books, having been shown to be dogmatic rather than historical, have lost their formal status as purveyors of eternal truth. Such research has provided a new and powerful argument in favor of Quranic veracity. That is to say, it is only the Qur’an which enjoys historical credibility. No other religious scripture is of similar merit.
This scientific discovery has brought Islam to the position of undisputed victory, for no other religion is capable of facing this academic test.
Scientific Verification
In ancient times, superstitious notions about every object of nature were given great credence, as is evident from the literature of those days. Now in modern times, when nature has been scientifically studied, many ancient concepts have been discredited. Books written in the pre-scientific age are now suspect—as belonging to the age of superstition. Even religious scriptures have not emerged unscathed, for the periodic interpolation of superstitious notions has reduced them to the level of non-sacred literature.
The Qur’an, on the contrary, being a preserved book, is exceptionally free from such apocryphal additions. There are numerous references to nature in the Qur’an, but none of these descriptions clashes with facts discovered by science. After making a study of several such statements enshrined in the Qur’an, Dr Maurice Bucaille concludes:
"In view of the level of knowledge in Muhammad’s day,
it is inconceivable that many of the statements in
the Qur’an which are connected with science could
have been the work of a man. It is, moreover, perfectly
legitimate, not only to regard the Qur’an as the
expression of a Revelation, but also to award it a
very special place, on account of the guarantee of
authenticity it provides and the presence in it of
scientific statements which, when studied today,
appear as a challenge to explanation in human terms."
Passing Modern Tests
New methods to determine the antiquity of ancient objects have been evolved in modern times. One of these, called carbon-14 dating or radio-carbon dating, was developed just after the second world war. It gave the stamp of credibility to many facts which had hitherto remained unauthenticated. It was applied in one famous instance to a mummified body, believed to be that of Merneptah, a contemporary of Moses. The mummy, discovered by Professor Loret in one of Egypt’s pyramids, did amazingly prove to date back to the time of Moses, when subjected to this new technique of dating.
This same method of carbon dating was applied to the Shroud of Turin, an old linen cloth bearing the imprint of a human face—always thought to be the covering in which Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion. According to this belief, the cloth had to be two thousand years old. But carbon dating revealed that it dated back no further than the middle of the fourteenth century.
There are so many examples of this nature, that it is not possible to deal with all of them. Suffice it to say that they are symbolic of how modern sciences, on the one hand, discredit ancient religions while, on the other hand, they strengthen the credibility of Islam.
The Last Word
In modern times, great new opportunities have arisen for Islamic da‘wah. This has made it possible for the first time to fulfill the prediction of the word of God being brought into each and every home. They point the way to Islam gaining the position of an ideological super power on a universal scale. But there is one necessary condition which is indispensable to the achievement of this goal. We shall have to adopt the same strategy in modern times as that adopted by the Prophet of Islam in the 19th year of his prophethood.
This historical strategy has come to be called the Hudaybiyya principle. This entails putting an end to the kind of controversies which create tensions between the da‘i and the mad‘u. Without a normal atmosphere, free of friction, no da‘wah action can be set in motion. Today the same controversial situation has come to exist between da‘i and mad‘u as was found between the Prophet and his hearers after the emigration. We must, therefore, follow the same Hudaybiyya principle as the Prophet did. This is the demand of the times, and in this lies the secret of all Muslim success.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Nice Story...
I found this interesting story, I don’t really know if it’s true but, I like it.
Here’s the story, excuse the english
*Since last night my young son has been unwell. When I got back from
work this evening I decided to take him to hospital despite my
exhaustion. There were many waiting; perhaps we will be delayed by
more than an hour. I took my number and sat down in the waiting room.
There were many faces, young and old, but all silent. Some brothers
made use of the many booklets available in the waiting room. Some of
those waiting had their eyes closed, while others were looking around.
Most were bored. Once in a while the long silence was broken by a
nurse calling out a number. Happiness appears on the one whose turn it
is, and he gets up quickly; then silence returns.
A young man grabbed my attention. He was reading a pocket-sized
Qur`an continuously; not raising his head even once. At first I did
not think much about him. However, after one hour of waiting my casual
glances turned into a deep reflection about his lifestyle and how he
utilizes his time. One hour of life wasted! Instead of making benefit
of that hour, it was just a boring wait. Then the call for prayer was
made. We went to prayer in the hospital’s
mosque. I tried to pray close to the man who was reading the Qur`an
earlier in the waiting room. After the prayer I walked with him. I
informed him of how impressed I was of him and how he tries to benefit
from his time.
He told me that most of our time is wasted without any benefit. These
are days that go from our lives without being conscious of them or
regretting their waste. He said that he started carrying the
pocket-sized Qur`an around when a friend encouraged him to make full
use of his time. He told me that in the time other people waste he
gets to read much more of the Qur`an than he gets to read either at
home or in the mosque. Moreover, besides the reward of reading the
Qur`an, this habit saves him from boredom and stress. He added that he
has now been waiting for one and a half hours. Then he asked, when
will you find one and a half hours to read the Qur`an? I reflected;
how much time do we waste? How many moments of our lives pass by, and
yet we do not account for how they passed by? Indeed, how many months
pass by and we do not read the Qur`an? I came to respect my companion,
and I discovered that I am to stand for account and that time is not
in my hand; so what am I waiting for? My thoughts were interrupted by
the nurse calling out my number; I went to the doctor. But I want to
achieve something now.
After I left the hospital I quickly went to the bookshop and bought a
pocket-sized Qur`an. I decided to be mindful of how I spend the time.
*If this information is beneficial to you, then please do forward it to
your friends and relatives. Our Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) said;”Whoever guides or directs to good, then he gets the same
amount of blessing (reward) as the one who does it” the Prophet
(sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) also said “Pass on knowledge from me
even if it is only one verse”
*May Allah bless us.
Here’s the story, excuse the english
*Since last night my young son has been unwell. When I got back from
work this evening I decided to take him to hospital despite my
exhaustion. There were many waiting; perhaps we will be delayed by
more than an hour. I took my number and sat down in the waiting room.
There were many faces, young and old, but all silent. Some brothers
made use of the many booklets available in the waiting room. Some of
those waiting had their eyes closed, while others were looking around.
Most were bored. Once in a while the long silence was broken by a
nurse calling out a number. Happiness appears on the one whose turn it
is, and he gets up quickly; then silence returns.
A young man grabbed my attention. He was reading a pocket-sized
Qur`an continuously; not raising his head even once. At first I did
not think much about him. However, after one hour of waiting my casual
glances turned into a deep reflection about his lifestyle and how he
utilizes his time. One hour of life wasted! Instead of making benefit
of that hour, it was just a boring wait. Then the call for prayer was
made. We went to prayer in the hospital’s
mosque. I tried to pray close to the man who was reading the Qur`an
earlier in the waiting room. After the prayer I walked with him. I
informed him of how impressed I was of him and how he tries to benefit
from his time.
He told me that most of our time is wasted without any benefit. These
are days that go from our lives without being conscious of them or
regretting their waste. He said that he started carrying the
pocket-sized Qur`an around when a friend encouraged him to make full
use of his time. He told me that in the time other people waste he
gets to read much more of the Qur`an than he gets to read either at
home or in the mosque. Moreover, besides the reward of reading the
Qur`an, this habit saves him from boredom and stress. He added that he
has now been waiting for one and a half hours. Then he asked, when
will you find one and a half hours to read the Qur`an? I reflected;
how much time do we waste? How many moments of our lives pass by, and
yet we do not account for how they passed by? Indeed, how many months
pass by and we do not read the Qur`an? I came to respect my companion,
and I discovered that I am to stand for account and that time is not
in my hand; so what am I waiting for? My thoughts were interrupted by
the nurse calling out my number; I went to the doctor. But I want to
achieve something now.
After I left the hospital I quickly went to the bookshop and bought a
pocket-sized Qur`an. I decided to be mindful of how I spend the time.
*If this information is beneficial to you, then please do forward it to
your friends and relatives. Our Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) said;”Whoever guides or directs to good, then he gets the same
amount of blessing (reward) as the one who does it” the Prophet
(sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) also said “Pass on knowledge from me
even if it is only one verse”
*May Allah bless us.
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Al-Fadhil Tuan Guru Syaikh Muhammad Nuruddin bin Haji Marbu bin Abdullah Thayyib حفظه الله berasal dari Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia. Beliau dilahirkan di sebuah desa bernama Harus, Amuntai pada tanggal 1 September 1960M. Beliau anak yang ketiga dari tujuh bersaudara, dari sebuah keluarga yang taat beragama. Bonda beliau bernama Hajjah Rahmah binti Haji Muhammad Sobri adalah puteri dari seorang tokoh ulama besar di Kalimantan Selatan.Berhijrah ke Tanah Suci MakkahBeliau mendapat pendidikan awal di sekolah rendah di kampung Harus. Kemudian pada tahun 1974 beliau belajar di pondok pesantren Normal Islam. Belum pun sempat menamatkan pengajiannya di pondok tersebut seluruh keluarga beliau telah berhijrah ke tanah suci Makkah. Pada tahun itu juga (1974) beliau meneruskan pengajiannya di madrasah Shaulathiah sehingga tahun 1982. Selain itu beliau juga mengikuti pengajian yang diadakan umum di Masjidiharam dan juga dirumah para masyaikh.Pada tahun 1982 beliau telah menamatkan pengajiannya dengan kepujian mumtaz (cemerlang) di madrasah Shaulathiah. Di samping itu juga beliau turut mencurahkan ilmunya kepada para pelajar dari Indonesia. Beliau telah mengajarkan kitab Qatrunnada, Fathul Mu'in, 'Umdatussalik, Bidayatul Hidayah dan lain-lain sebelum naik ke kelas 'Aliyah.Beliau merupakan murid kesayangan gurunya asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Ismail Utsman Zain al-Yamani رحمه الله . Dan guru inilah yang banyak mewarnai dalam kehidupan beliau. Tuan guru beliau ini banyak meluangkan waktunya yang berharga untuk beliau dan sering mengajaknya untuk menemani Tuan guru beliau ke Madinah menghadiri program agama dan juga menziarahi maqam baginda Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم.Beliau mencurahkan segala usaha dan tenaganya serta dirinya mendekati para masyaikh untuk berkhidmat dan juga membekali diri dengan ilmu daripada guru-gurunya. Beliau amat gigih dalam belajar, maka tidak hairanlah kalau beliau mendapat tempat di hati para gurunya. Sebut sahaja ulama' yang ada di Mekah khususnya pasti beliau pernah berguru dengan mereka. Siapa yang tidak mengenali tokoh ulama' yang harum nama mereka disebut orang semisal Syaikh al-Allamah Hasan al-Masyath yang digelar Syaikh-ul-Ulama', Syaikh al-Allamah Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani, yang mendapat julukan Syaikhul Hadits wa Musnidud-dunya, Syaikh Ismail Usman Zin al-Yamani yang digelar al-Faqih ad-Darrakah (guru beliau ini menghafal kitab Minhajut Tholibin), Syaikh Abdul Karim Banjar, Syaikh Suhaili al-Anfenani, as-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi al-Maliki, Syaikh Said al-Bakistani dan masih banyak lagi. Kata pepatah arab “cakap sahaja tanpa perlu khuatir”. Kitab-kitab yang dipelajari beliau bersambung sanad hingga kepada pengarang, masyaAllah betapa hebat dan beruntungnya umur beliau dan segala-galanya yang diberikan oleh Allah, tidak salah kalau dikatakan ilmu beliau lebih tua dari umurnya. Pada tahun 1983 beliau telah melanjutkan pengajiannya di Universiti al-Azhar asy-Syarif dalam bidang syariah hingga mendapat gelar sarjana muda. Kemudian beliau meneruskan lagi pengajiannya di Ma'had 'Ali Liddirasat al Islamiah di Zamalik sehingga memperolehi diploma am “Dirasat 'Ulya” pada tahun 1990Antara guru-gurunya ketika belajar di Mekah dan Mesir adalah adalah:-
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Hasan al-Masyath رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani رحمه الله,
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Ismail Utsman Zain al-Yamani al-Makki رحمه الله,
asy-Syaikh ‘Abdullah Said al-Lahji رحمه الله,
asy-Syaikh al 'Alaamah al-Jalil as-Sayyid 'Amos رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Muhammad ‘Iwadh al-Yamani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Zakaria Bila al-Indonesia رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Syibli al-Banjari رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Karim al-Banjari رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh ‘Abdul Karim al-Bukhari رحمه الله
asy-‘Adnan al-Afnani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Saifurrahman رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Sahili al-Anfanani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Said al-Bakistani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Muhaddits al-Kabir Muhammad Zakaria al-Kandahlawi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-Jalil al-Habib ‘Abdul Qadir as-Saggaf حفظه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Muntashir al-Katani al-Maghribi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Muhaddits al-Habib as-Sayyid Muhammad ‘Alawi al-Maliki رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘allamah Muhammad Makki al-Hind رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Makhluf رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘allamah ‘Abdullah bin Hamid رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Kabir Muhammad Mutawalli asy-Sya’rawi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-Imam al-Akbar ‘ali Jadul Haq رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Zaki Ibrahim رحمه الله
al-Ustaz ad-Doktor asy-Syaikh Muhammad Tayyib an-Najjar رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-Jalil ar-Rabbani Muhammad ‘Abdul Wahid رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘allamah al-Kabir Abul Hasan ‘Ali an-Nadwi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Faqih ‘atiyyah Saqr رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Hussin رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh ‘Abdul Hafidz al-Hind رحمه الله
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor Ahmad umar Hasyim حفظه الله,
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor ‘Abdusshobur Syahin
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor ‘Abdul Fattah asy-Syaikh,
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor Nashr Farid,
asy-Syaikh al-‘Arifbillah Yusuf Mahyuddin al-Hasani asy-Syadhuli ad-Darqawi حفظه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Hasan al-Masyath رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani رحمه الله,
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Ismail Utsman Zain al-Yamani al-Makki رحمه الله,
asy-Syaikh ‘Abdullah Said al-Lahji رحمه الله,
asy-Syaikh al 'Alaamah al-Jalil as-Sayyid 'Amos رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Muhammad ‘Iwadh al-Yamani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Zakaria Bila al-Indonesia رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Syibli al-Banjari رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Karim al-Banjari رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh ‘Abdul Karim al-Bukhari رحمه الله
asy-‘Adnan al-Afnani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Saifurrahman رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Sahili al-Anfanani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Said al-Bakistani رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Muhaddits al-Kabir Muhammad Zakaria al-Kandahlawi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-Jalil al-Habib ‘Abdul Qadir as-Saggaf حفظه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Muntashir al-Katani al-Maghribi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Muhaddits al-Habib as-Sayyid Muhammad ‘Alawi al-Maliki رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘allamah Muhammad Makki al-Hind رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Makhluf رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘allamah ‘Abdullah bin Hamid رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Kabir Muhammad Mutawalli asy-Sya’rawi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-Imam al-Akbar ‘ali Jadul Haq رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh Muhammad Zaki Ibrahim رحمه الله
al-Ustaz ad-Doktor asy-Syaikh Muhammad Tayyib an-Najjar رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-Jalil ar-Rabbani Muhammad ‘Abdul Wahid رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘allamah al-Kabir Abul Hasan ‘Ali an-Nadwi رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah al-Faqih ‘atiyyah Saqr رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh al-‘Allamah Hussin رحمه الله
asy-Syaikh ‘Abdul Hafidz al-Hind رحمه الله
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor Ahmad umar Hasyim حفظه الله,
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor ‘Abdusshobur Syahin
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor ‘Abdul Fattah asy-Syaikh,
al-Ustadz ad-Doktor Nashr Farid,
asy-Syaikh al-‘Arifbillah Yusuf Mahyuddin al-Hasani asy-Syadhuli ad-Darqawi حفظه الله
Ibnu Sina : (370-428H/980-103M) Bapa perubatan
Nama sebenar : Abu Ali al Husaini bin Abdullah.
Tempat lahir: di bukhara dan meninggal dunia di Hamadan Iran. Beliau meninggal dunia semasa di Hamadan ketika sedang menjalankan satu ekspedisi tentera
Latarbelakang pendidikan : mempelajari agama sejak kecilnya dan menghafaz al Quran dan menguasai ilmu agama ketika belum berumur 10 tahun. Beliau mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang sains tabi’i dan perubatan.
Sumbangan : Menjadi guru ketika berusia 16 tahun. Mengarang sebuah kitab falsafah ketika berusia 21 tahun. Beberapa kali dilantik sebagai menteri.
Karyanya : menghasilkan pelbagai karya dalam bidang falsafah, perubatan dan logik antaranya kitab Al Insaf yang mengandungi penghuraian 28,000 masalah. Mengarang kitab perubatan iaitu Asy Syifa’ dan Qanun fi at Tibb yang terdiri daripada lima jilid. Berbagai lagi kitab karangannya mengenai ilmu logik, fizik, metafizik, sains perubatan dan falsafah telah diajar ke sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi di Eropah sejak abad-abad pertengahan (1100H/1500M) dan lebih dikenali dengan nama Avicenna.Ibnu Sina telah cuba menggabungkan falsafah dengan teori-teori sains fizik. Dengan sebab itu, beliau digelar sebagai failasuf dan ahli fizik (tabib).
Al Khawarizmi: (Hidup pada kurun ke 9M) Pakar Matematik
Al Khawarizmi, ahli matematik yang hidup pada kurun ke 9 Masehi. Beliau menjadi ketua pustakawan al Ma’mun (Baitul Hikmah) di Baghdad. Al Khawrizmi menulis ilmu tentang ilmu geografi dan falak. Beliaulah orang pertama yang memperkenalkan ilmu algebra dan dapat menemui sifar (0) dalam “ilmu Hisab Hindi”
Ibnu Haytham (354-430H/965-1039M) Pakar Perubatan fizik
Nama sebenar : Abu Ali al Hassan. Seorang pakar dalam ilmu matematik, fizik, kedoktoran dan falsafah.
Tempat lahir : Basrah dan telah berhijrah ke Mesir pada masa pemetintahan Fatimiah.
Sumbangan : telah mengarang 200 buah kitab antaranya : Kitab fi al manazir, Kaifiyyat al adlal; Tahlil al Masa’il al Handasiah wa al ‘adad’, al Jami fi usul al Hisab. Dalam falsafah ibnu al Haytham telah mengambil contoh daripada Arusto.
Nama sebenar : Abu Ali al Husaini bin Abdullah.
Tempat lahir: di bukhara dan meninggal dunia di Hamadan Iran. Beliau meninggal dunia semasa di Hamadan ketika sedang menjalankan satu ekspedisi tentera
Latarbelakang pendidikan : mempelajari agama sejak kecilnya dan menghafaz al Quran dan menguasai ilmu agama ketika belum berumur 10 tahun. Beliau mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang sains tabi’i dan perubatan.
Sumbangan : Menjadi guru ketika berusia 16 tahun. Mengarang sebuah kitab falsafah ketika berusia 21 tahun. Beberapa kali dilantik sebagai menteri.
Karyanya : menghasilkan pelbagai karya dalam bidang falsafah, perubatan dan logik antaranya kitab Al Insaf yang mengandungi penghuraian 28,000 masalah. Mengarang kitab perubatan iaitu Asy Syifa’ dan Qanun fi at Tibb yang terdiri daripada lima jilid. Berbagai lagi kitab karangannya mengenai ilmu logik, fizik, metafizik, sains perubatan dan falsafah telah diajar ke sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi di Eropah sejak abad-abad pertengahan (1100H/1500M) dan lebih dikenali dengan nama Avicenna.Ibnu Sina telah cuba menggabungkan falsafah dengan teori-teori sains fizik. Dengan sebab itu, beliau digelar sebagai failasuf dan ahli fizik (tabib).
Al Khawarizmi: (Hidup pada kurun ke 9M) Pakar Matematik
Al Khawarizmi, ahli matematik yang hidup pada kurun ke 9 Masehi. Beliau menjadi ketua pustakawan al Ma’mun (Baitul Hikmah) di Baghdad. Al Khawrizmi menulis ilmu tentang ilmu geografi dan falak. Beliaulah orang pertama yang memperkenalkan ilmu algebra dan dapat menemui sifar (0) dalam “ilmu Hisab Hindi”
Ibnu Haytham (354-430H/965-1039M) Pakar Perubatan fizik
Nama sebenar : Abu Ali al Hassan. Seorang pakar dalam ilmu matematik, fizik, kedoktoran dan falsafah.
Tempat lahir : Basrah dan telah berhijrah ke Mesir pada masa pemetintahan Fatimiah.
Sumbangan : telah mengarang 200 buah kitab antaranya : Kitab fi al manazir, Kaifiyyat al adlal; Tahlil al Masa’il al Handasiah wa al ‘adad’, al Jami fi usul al Hisab. Dalam falsafah ibnu al Haytham telah mengambil contoh daripada Arusto.